Good for what?
AB/RA: No self-heal.
TA/GvG: No diversion, Cry isn't very good unless you need to make a spike team suck, I could make all sorts of comments on that.
Also, where are you getting the energy to cast all this? No GoLE, no p-drain, no drain enchantment, you only get 3 net energy from Burden once every 22 seconds and a small net from Shame/Guilt assuming your target actually casts through them.
I'm not going to give you constructive criticism because it's a bad build with no real focus except bothering casters with a couple interrupts, which the typical Migraine or PD bar is better at anyway. So instead I'll ask you a question that will allow me to give you a constructive answer:
What are you trying to do?
Last edited by Riotgear; Jun 24, 2007 at 03:23 AM // 03:23..